My dog is pregnant and leaking fluid

My dogs anus is leaking clear fluid?.
08.01.2008 · yes please get to the docs as soon as you can. I am also 19 weeks and have been losing fluid not by leaking but my placenta has not been working good.
01.06.2008 · Best Answer: She is coming into season, please be VERY very careful about her having contact with entire male dogs (of any breed) for the next 3 weeks or
I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am leaking a clear fluid that soaked through my pants (it wasn't urine) and dripped down my knees. I am not sure if it is too early to be
Just the other day my breast were sore so i decided to squeeze my left nipple and clear liquid came out i took a home pregnancy test and i am not pregnant . i also
One of my nipple is leaking clear fluid.
My dog is pregnant and leaking fluid
My pug is leaking black smelly fluid?.
My female dog is leaking a clear slimy.
13.11.2009 · If your pug is not spayed, the uterine infection called pyometra is a real possibility. Please get her to a vet as soon as you can. I lost a dear, dear dog
18.09.2010 · Best Answer: Yes, it could be the anal glands. I've never heard of that happening before - but it very well could be. Yes most groomers will do it, and
21 weeks and leaking clear fluid?.
My pregnant dog is leaking clear liquid?.

My dog is pregnant and leaking fluid
I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am leaking a.ok so for the past few days or more i have been leaking a little bit of clear fluid!! Im going to my gyno tomorrow to see if its from my amniotic sac! I was just
My pregnant dog is leaking clear liquid? - My pregnant dog is 54 day and she started leakin clear liquid 2days ago. and every time she lays down she starts to shake a
Vaginal Leaking during Pregnancy .